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Frequent Questions

Does permanent makeup hurt?

We utilize the most gentle methods for applying permanent cosmetics.  Most clients say it is more uncomfortable when tweezing their brows! Some have even fallen asleep during ALL of my procedures!  However, each client has a different tolerance level. My clients are very comfortable with all the services I offer.  You can read many reviews on my Facebook page (click the F link at the bottom of any of my pages on my website).   Nevertheless, a topical anesthetic is used in all permanent makeup procedures.


What is permanent makeup?

Discover the convenience of permanent makeup!  Permanent makeup is a procedure that implants color in the skin using different needle configurations.  The services can include eyebrows, eyeliner, lips and areola.  We can restore color and definition to eyebrows, softly define eyes and enhance the eyelash line, restore balance and define natural border of the lips, as well as give them a color boost.  It results in a softer more natural look than that of a tattoo.  Permanent makeup is extremely beneficial to those with unsteady hands, vision problems, allergies, or if you are just tired of reapplying makeup and drawing on eyebrows daily!  Although it is considered "permanent", it does fade over time and requires a color boost in typically 1 to 3 years. Lips could last 3 to 7 years.   


Can a natural look be achieved?

With the methods we utilize, it is easy to avoid harsh and unnatural-looking makeup.  I will custom blend colors to compliment your skin tone, lip color, eye color or areola.  Once completed, you may still have to use pencil for brows, additional eyeliner for a more dramatic look, or even lipstick for a more lipstick effect.  The goal is for you to be able to wake up and have beautifully soft natural enhancements.  You can add to any of your services to create more intense results.  Permanent cosmetics, I feel, should enhance NOT overpower your natural beauty.


How long will permanent makeup last?

This varies with each individual person.  I tell my clients to think of their permanent makeup as LOW maintenance not NO maintenance. Your permanent makeup can be affected by sun exposure (#1 enemy in sunny Arizona ), health conditions, medication, hormones, and the natural aging process.  If you are a frequent exerciser or swimmer, you will more than likely require more frequent touchups.  The color can last anywhere from 2-5 years, however, it is recommended that you return for a color boost every 1-3 years to keep your permanent makeup looking fresh. However, lip color can last anywhere from 3 to 7 years.  I do not advise clients to return before one year, however, it's recommended to not wait so long that we have to draw on your shape again.  Color boosts are typically a one time appointment, however, if you return when it is almost entirely faded away, this could result in an additional appointment, which will be an additional cost; see Color Boost fees on the Price List page. 


Are permanent cosmetics safe?

In the hands of a skilled, certified, and experienced professional, the procedures are generally safe.  It carries the same risk as other tattoos.  All of the supplies I use are 100% disposable and never reused. You will see me put on NEW gloves, open a NEW needle and DISPOSE of my needles in a Sharps container.  The pigments I use are hypoallergenic.  Allergic reactions to pigments are very rare.   


I have had previous permanent makeup.  Can I get a touch up? 

One of the most frequently inquired about appointments is clients who had their permanent makeup done by another artist in the past. Many clients say their permanent makeup is either faded or almost not there. A touchup for my clients is a very simple procedure where the color has faded but it has maintained the shape and only requires fresh pigment to color boost the area.  When a potential client inquires about a touchup and they have bluish, grayish, reddish or even purplish eyebrows or eyeliner, it is not a simple procedure where I just choose a color to apply over the area.  If I do this, the underlying color will keep returning.  This is why this type of service is actually considered a "correction" procedure.  This service many times requires the use of correction aides used to neutralize the underlying color before applying the new desired color. There are also many times where the shape needs to be modified, which may require removal and/or lightening or cannot be done at all.  Also, I cannot be 100% responsible for the final result when doing a touchup over a pre-existing area that I did not originally create.  Corrective work could take multiple sessions with additional fees. Photos are required before booking, and I may require a consultation before booking an appointment.  



For BROWS, your first appointment will take anywhere from 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Chrystal will do a complete and thorough exam of your skin before starting.  If she sees anything of concern, she may choose to cancel the appointment or refer to dermatology or a skin care specialist.  Her goal is for the best outcome and if she sees anything that she feels may compromise her work, she may take additional steps and give advice on what can be done to help her obtain those goals.  After skin examination,  photos will be taken.  She will discuss your expectations, go over paperwork, color selection will be explained, and the brows will be drawn on.   You will be shown and approve of the shape before the procedure is started.  The brow procedure itself will take anywhere from 30/45 minutes to one hour.  Once done, we will go over your aftercare.  You will be given an aftercare bag, which includes ointment, q-tips, and an aftercare instruction card.  I will also discuss your instructions in detail.  You will return in 8 to 12 weeks for a detail session to add more color and to fill in any areas that need more details.  Permanent makeup is a PROCESS, not an instant.  It will not heal perfect the first time.  You more than likely will require some additional details.


For EYELINER, the appointment will take anywhere from 1 hour to an hour and a half.  If you have eyelash extensions, they must be removed at least 2 days prior to your eyeliner procedure. You can have them reapplied once we are completed with both procedures.   We will discuss color, go over details of the top and/or bottom. I do NOT do thick eyeliner (does not age well and the skin thins the farther away from the lash line we go).  I do NOT color the wet line (this could damage glands that lubricate the eyes).  I do NOT connect the corners (risk of migration in the web).  All of my decisions are made in the best interest and for the safety of my clients.   I apply color in your lash line and slightly above it to help give you the appearance of full lashes.  You will numb 15 minutes.  The actual eyeliner procedure is very comfortable and will take approximately 30-45 minutes to an hour. My clients have even fallen asleep!  My clients are very surprised when I start at how comfortable it is.  We will go over your aftercare and you will return for your detail session in 8 to 12 weeks.


For your LIPS, your appointment will take anywhere from 2 to 2 1/2 hours.   We will discuss the options of lip tint or enhanced border effect, color and adjustment of asymmetry.  You will numb 15 minutes.  We will outline your lips to create symmetry and fullness.  The actual procedure will take anywhere from 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours or more, depending on lip size and the desired color effect.  You will return in 8 to 12 weeks for your detail session.  Lips do require a antiviral 5 days prior and 5 days after if you have ever had a cold sore outbreak and 2 days prior and 2 days after if you have never had a cold sore. This is only a preventative and does not guarantee you will not have an outbreak.  Lips could require additional sessions, depending on the intensity of color desired.  Naturally dark lips are typically not a good candidate.  The more light in color your lips are, the better the results.  A picture is required to make a lip appointment or I may require a consultation.  


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Beauty by Chrystal  believes 

in natural beauty enhancement, using the most gentle techniques.  

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